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Plot unevenly spaced vectors in 3D

I try to prepare a 3D plot of vectors which are from attached Excel file. Column CDE of the AllNeutrons sheet specify the three dimensional location of start of the vectors which direction is specified in columns FGH.
First row contain column headers, and in a first data row, the XYZ position of start of the vector is
29.86214 35.63259 125
And the vector is
-0.24475 -0.83124 0.499129
Its length is normalized to 1.

All the starting points are on the surface of a 100x100x250 mm box (XYZ from -50…+50, -50…+50, -125…125), so they are not evenly spaced to use ListVectorPlot3D. In the future, I would like to make the color or length of these vectors according to I column which is log10 of their kinetic energy.

The data correspond to kinetic energy of particles leaving the mentioned box, and vector data represent direction of these particles. Effectively the plot should look like a hedgehog…

I have seen somewhere a user function for Mathematica ListPlotVector3D, which should do the job, but somehow I cannot use it in my Mathematica.

I attach t my initial trial notebook and an Excel file. Please note that I do not have the license to current Mathematica 14.0, but only to 13.0.

POSTED BY: Marcin Balcerzyk

You can try something like Graphics3D[Arrow[]], where you can give any list of vectors.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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