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Difference between "/" and ":" for division in Wolfram Alpha

Posted 1 year ago

According to the Wikipedia:

In some non-English-speaking countries, a colon is used to denote division:[12] a:b This notation was introduced by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in his 1684 Acta eruditorum.

giving following two expressions in WolframAlpha, expectation is that result would be the same, but this is not the case:

Where is the issue and why WolframAlpha doesn't interpret this statements correctly in both cases?

POSTED BY: Ewoks Beeblebrox

My guess is that the difference is due to the order of execution: : has lower precedence than multiplication in Wolfram|Alpha, apparently.

In Mathematica the symbol : does not mean division, while รท does.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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