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Enthalpy versus composition diagram for n-Hexane/n-Octane at 101.325 kPa

POSTED BY: Housam Binous
5 Replies

Hello, great work. I want to ask where you can find those expressions for liquid and vapor pure enthalpies ? kind regards

POSTED BY: Gonzalo Quezada

hl and Hv expressions are available from Aspen-Hysys. Best regards.

POSTED BY: Housam Binous

Thank you for your response Housam. Unfortunately I dont have HYSYS, is there a database where you can find these equations? or a reference? Kind regards

POSTED BY: Gonzalo Quezada

kindly seek the equations for constant pressure heat capacity and latent heat of vaporization versus temperature for Octane and Hexane. That way you can get the hl and Hv of pure components.

POSTED BY: Housam Binous

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