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Probability vector representation of the Schrödinger equation

4 Replies

How does this relate to the MIC-POVM representation of states? In the QuantumFramework, we have a transformation that turns a quantum state into a probability distribution in a minimal d^2 dimension, not of order d^3, like in your paper. Then, the Schrodinger equation (technically Liouville–von Neumann equation) can also be written in probability vector form.

We've made this a special case for evolution in phase space. For example, given random Hamiltonian and initial state, you can inspect what equations it generates for NDSolve: equations = Normal @ QuantumEvolve[QuantumOperator["RandomHermitian"], QuantumWignerMICTransform[QuantumState["RandomMixed"]], {t, 0, 1}, "ReturnEquations" -> True] For a qubit, the initial vector would be a 4-dimension probability distribution. Of course, not every 4-dimension probability distribution would correspond to a valid qubit.

POSTED BY: Nikolay Murzin

Dear Nikolay,

thank you for your comment. I’m not familiar with this particular representation, but if you’re referring to works such as, then it seems to me that this is fundamentally different. Our aim is to discuss Leggett-Garg inequalities, and thus we need to be able to distinguish physical observables (observed and disturbed). Our probability vector representation allows for such a distinction. On the other hand, the MIC-POVM measurement cannot distinguish the observables since the POVM measurement provides all of the probabilities at once by measuring quantum devices with larger dimensions. Consequently, the MIC-POVM representation cannot be used to investigate assumptions underlying the formulation of Leggett-Garg inequalities such as noninvasive measurability.

Lastly, please note that the dimension of probability vectors associated with generic N-level qudit states in our construction is N(N^2-1). For more details, please refer to Sec. II of

All the best,


POSTED BY: Sebastian Murk

You may find it helpful. I've formulated the temporal version of the CHSH game in analogy to the spatial one, which I've studied here: It is mainly based on this paper:

POSTED BY: Nikolay Murzin

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