I think you should use a generator function, for example:
enc = NetEncoder[{"Function", Flatten[IntegerDigits[#, 2, 8]] &, {192}}]
b = ByteArray[Table[RandomInteger[{0, 255}], 10 * 24]]
genTrain = Function[ArrayReshape[Normal[b[[1 ;; 24 * #BatchSize]]], {#BatchSize, 24}]]
enc[genTrain[<|"BatchSize" -> 2|>]]
As the dataset resides in RAM I could use RandomSample to select a batch, but am I right that if I want to batch the dataset linearly I have to specify the "RoundLength" option of NetTrain as:
Length[b] / (24 * BatchSize)
and add a "Round" argument to the generator function:
genTrain = Function[ArrayReshape[Normal[b[[(#Round - 1)* 24 * #BatchSize + 1 ;; #Round * 24 * #BatchSize - 1]]], {#BatchSize, 24}]]