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Part 1: DALL-E AI artistic renderings predicted from graphics-generating code

Posted 1 year ago

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Michael Trott
4 Replies
Posted 1 year ago

I used the following prompts :

Analyze the following Mathematica codes very carefully and create an artistic rendering of how the result would look like in 3D:

ComplexPlot[ZTransform[n^2*UnitStep[n] - n^2*UnitStep[n - 10], n, z], 
{z, -2 - 2 I, 2 + 2 I}, ColorFunction -> "CyclicLogAbs"]

Here is the outcome from DALE-E-3

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Sangdon Lee


POSTED BY: Ahmed Elbanna


Out of curiosity: You used Dall-E-2...have you tried Dall-E-3 as well? It should be as simple as specifying "Model"->"dall-e-3" for ImageSynthesize.

Also perhaps amusing would be to try round-tripping the images through gpt-4-vision : "What is the wolfram language code that would generate this image?" type queries

POSTED BY: Joshua Schrier

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