I want to ListPlot the data in my txt file.
In[5]:= data =
ovaacrocurvature.txt", "Table"]
Out[5]= {{-3726, 5094}, {-3646, 5392}, {-3518, 5490}, {-3278,
5723}, {-3163, 5862}, {-2744, 6218}, {-2560, 6283}, {-2037,
6570}, {-1872, 6691}, {-1286, 6923}, {-1072, 6940}, {-429,
7070}, {-219.4, 7137}, {219.4, 7137}, {429, 7070}, {1072,
6940}, {1286, 6923}, {1872, 6691}, {2037, 6570}, {2560,
6283}, {2744, 6218}, {3163, 5862}, {3278, 5723}, {3518,
5490}, {3646, 5392}, {3726, 5094}, {}}
In[6]:= points = Transpose[{data[[All, 1]], data[[All, 2]]}]
During evaluation of In[6]:= Part::partw: Part 1 of {} does not exist. >>
During evaluation of In[6]:= Part::partw: Part 2 of {} does not exist. >>
During evaluation of In[6]:= Transpose::nmtx: The first two levels of the one-dimensional list {{{-3726,5094},{-3646,5392},{-3518,5490},{-3278,5723},{-3163,5862},{-2744,6218},{-2560,6283},{-2037,6570},{-1872,6691},{-1286,6923},{-1072,6940},{-429,7070},{-219.4,7137},{219.4,7137},{429,7070},{1072,6940},{1286,6923},{1872,6691},{2037,6570},{2560,6283},{2744,6218},{3163,5862},{3278,5723},{3518,5490},{3646,5392},{3726,5094},{}}[[All,1]],{{-3726,5094},{-3646,5392},{-3518,5490},{-3278,5723},{-3163,5862},{-2744,6218},{-2560,6283},{-2037,6570},{-1872,6691},{-1286,6923},{-1072,6940},{-429,7070},{-219.4,7137},{219.4,7137},{429,7070},{1072,6940},{1286,6923},{1872,6691},{2037,6570},{2560,6283},{2744,6218},{3163,5862},{3278,5723},{3518,5490},{3646,5392},{3726,5094},{}}[[All,2]]} cannot be transposed. >>
Out[6]= Transpose[{{{-3726, 5094}, {-3646, 5392}, {-3518,
5490}, {-3278, 5723}, {-3163, 5862}, {-2744, 6218}, {-2560,
6283}, {-2037, 6570}, {-1872, 6691}, {-1286, 6923}, {-1072,
6940}, {-429, 7070}, {-219.4, 7137}, {219.4, 7137}, {429,
7070}, {1072, 6940}, {1286, 6923}, {1872, 6691}, {2037,
6570}, {2560, 6283}, {2744, 6218}, {3163, 5862}, {3278,
5723}, {3518, 5490}, {3646, 5392}, {3726, 5094}, {}}[[All,
1]], {{-3726, 5094}, {-3646, 5392}, {-3518, 5490}, {-3278,
5723}, {-3163, 5862}, {-2744, 6218}, {-2560, 6283}, {-2037,
6570}, {-1872, 6691}, {-1286, 6923}, {-1072, 6940}, {-429,
7070}, {-219.4, 7137}, {219.4, 7137}, {429, 7070}, {1072,
6940}, {1286, 6923}, {1872, 6691}, {2037, 6570}, {2560,
6283}, {2744, 6218}, {3163, 5862}, {3278, 5723}, {3518,
5490}, {3646, 5392}, {3726, 5094}, {}}[[All, 2]]}]
It Imports data as Table perfectly, but it does not want to Transpose?... :( WHY?