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Can the Wolfram Language be implemented in a different language?

Posted 4 months ago

After reading the post Why is Wolfram Language free to use, but Mathematica is not? I wondered about the appropriateness of implementing a subset of the Wolfram Language in another language like Julia.


I first saw Mathematica in action while speaking with Stephen Wolfram in 1986 regarding tetration and fractional iteration. In 1992 I bought my first copy of Mathematica and have used it on and off for thirty years. Several years ago I reconnected with Stephen Wolfram and he provided me a copy of Mathematica on a year by year basis. Last year I submitted my FractionalIteration function to the Wolfram Function Repository. I also posted here about the Mathematica license and professional grade neural networks where I expressed questions and concerns about what my Mathematica license allowed me to do.


Due to being unable to resolve my licensing concerns I no longer use Mathematica. I would need the professional version in order to publish the results of my research on my website. I'm retired and don't have several thousand dollars to spend. What I do have is time and programming ability. So I have moved to Julia and Jupyter notebooks. But I need a bit of functionality that Mathematica provides in order to implement my fractional iteration software in Julia. Using Mathematica's RSolve function allows me to express my work tersely. Plus having a rules based engine would be nice addition for Julia. So what are the relevant issues to implementing the Wolfram Language in another language?

POSTED BY: Daniel Geisler
2 Replies

People use various tiers, including lower-cost and even free, for academic work day in and day out. Are the results you wish to publish of a commercial nature? If not, I don’t see what is unresolved in terms of licensing.

I will add that I lack the expertise to comment on what might be readily implemented in e.g. Julia.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

Thanks for your answer Daniel. I do have other reasons for being interested in implementing my work in Julia. This isn't a technical issue for me, it is a matter of what is ethically and legally appropriate to do with the Wolfram Language.

What I'm not hearing is that implementing a RSolve function and other Wolfram Language features is an issue for WRI.

POSTED BY: Daniel Geisler
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