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How to avoid losing hours of progress in notebook?

Posted 10 months ago

This is the 3rd time today I've lost an hour of progress because a notebook randomly deleted some massive section of my code or the whole notebook became corrupted.

I am not an inexperienced computer user. I am a full stack software developer whose daily driver is a hand-tuned Linux distro, so I'd say I'm pretty tech-savvy.

Wolfram Alpha has otherwise not been too big of a pain to work with and I do need it for generating a fast sin/cos lookup and verifying it against the much higher precision offered by wolfram.

What can be done about this?

POSTED BY: First Last

This is strange behavior for a notebook. But difficult to diagnose without the actual one. Best I can suggest is to save it frequently, possibly to multiple versions e.g. based on timestamps.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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