PValue = 1;
RValue = 1;
{x0Value, y0Value, z0Value} = {28, 5, 20};
kValue = 1;
{nValue, mValue, lValue} = {1, 1, 1};
dValue = 2;
(*Определение функции c*)
cFunction[x_, y_, z_, kk_] := ((x - kk)/(x - x0Value))*
Sqrt[(x - x0Value)^2 + (y - y0Value)^2 + (z - z0Value)^2]
(*Определение уравнения*)
equationFunction[x_, y_, z_, x0_, y0_, z0_] := P*R^2*\!\(
\*UnderoverscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(x = kValue\), \(kValue + nValue\)]\(
\*UnderoverscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(y = lValue\), \(mValue\)]\(
\*UnderoverscriptBox[\(\[Sum]\), \(z =
lValue\), \(lValue\)]\((\((1/\((\((x - x0)\)^2 + \((y -
y0)\)^2 + \((z - z0)\)^2)\)*\((
\*SuperscriptBox[\(2\), \(c/d\)])\))\))\)\)\)\)
(*Построение 3D-графика*)
Plot3D[equationFunction[x, y, z, x0Value, y0Value, z0Value, dValue,
cFunction, PValue, RValue], {x, -10, 20}, {y, -10, 20},
PlotRange -> All, AxesLabel -> {"x", "y", "Intensity"},
PlotLabel -> "3D модель"]
Initially, there was a schedule, but then for some reason it disappeared. Changed the original data, reworked the equations, but later gives an error in the form of problems with iteration. Tell me, what could be the reason?