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Trying to find divisors of perfect numbers (new to WL)

Posted 7 months ago

I asked this question on stack overflow but i think this is a better place since im using mathematica.

I'm new to coding and want to make a code in wolfram mathematica. What I want to do is decompose a perfect number into fractions for each digit.

Example for the 2nd perfect number: I want 28 to be written as 20/100 and 8/100. I want to do this for the bigger perfect numbers aswell so I need a general code.

Next I want to find the ammount common divisors of 20 and 100. (which is 6) and the amount of common divisors of 8 and 100 (which is 3).

the list I calculated found was:

1st (x)                   3  
2nd (y)                 6   3  
3rd (z)               12  4   2  
4th (g)             16  9   6   4  
5th (t)     64  49  42  30  0   9   4   2  
6th (r) 110 90  88  49  54  30  16  0   6   2  

the code i made up until now works for the 4th perfect number. from the 5th i also want to filter out the 0's and I get wrong awnsers from the 5th and up.

this is the code i made:

perfectNumber = PerfectNumber[6];
digits = IntegerDigits[perfectNumber];
numDigits = Length[digits];
positionedDigits = 
  MapIndexed[#1  10^(numDigits - #2[[1]]) &, digits];
dividedDigits = Map[#/10^numDigits &, positionedDigits];
divisorspower = 10^numDigits;
divisors100 = Divisors[divisorspower/10];
gcds = Map[GCD[#, divisors100] &, dividedDigits];
numeratorDivisors = Map[Divisors, gcds];
numDivisors = Map[Length, numeratorDivisors];
positionedDigitsDivisors = Map[Divisors, positionedDigits];
divisors100List = 
  Table[divisors100, {Length[positionedDigitsDivisors]}];
commonDivisors = 
  MapThread[Intersection, {positionedDigitsDivisors, divisors100List}];
numCommonDivisors = Map[Length, commonDivisors]
POSTED BY: Jasper Woutersen
2 Replies
Posted 7 months ago

I'm probably misunderstanding something, because my results vary slightly from yours. Here's what I think you described:

perfectNumber = PerfectNumber[2];
Length[Intersection[Divisors[10^IntegerLength[perfectNumber]], #]] & /@
  Divisors /@ DeleteCases[NumberExpand[perfectNumber], 0]
(* {6, 3} *)

If we bundle this into a function, we can use it repeatedly.

FancyFunction[n_] :=
  {perf = PerfectNumber[n]},
  Length[Intersection[Divisors[10^IntegerLength[perf]], #]] & /@ 
   Divisors /@ DeleteCases[NumberExpand[perf], 0]];

(* {2} , which is different from your results*)

(* {6, 3} *)

(* {12, 4, 2} *)

(* {20, 9, 6, 4} , another deviation from your results *)

(* {64, 49, 42, 30, 9, 4, 2} *)

(* {110, 90, 88, 49, 54, 30, 16, 6, 2} *)
POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey

thanks for the quick response. the deviaton from 4 is correct i think i miscalculated there thanks for the quick respose and the 1st is also correct, i think the problem is that i first calculated the series with chat gpt (rookie mistake). and then turned to wolfram alfa, but due to size constraints i downloaded mathematica. this helps me a lot thanks again!

POSTED BY: Jasper Woutersen
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