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Table of NSolve (and Solve) solutions creates extra unknown answers

When I try to prepare a table of solution in the following way:

tt=Table[z/.NSolve[{x + y + z == 0, x - y == 0.5},{y, z}],{x, 0, 3, 0.1}]

I get the full answer for z: {{0.5),{0.3},{0.1},…,(-5.5}}

Applying tt//TableForm yields a column with:


The table can be transferred to Excell as a single column there and made use of there.

However, when the expressions (equations) are more complicated I get eight columns. Columns 1-5 are unidentified (four of them complex numbers), No. 6 seems to be the answer z I am looking for and Nos. 7 and 8 contain zero only.

(In a simpler problem with only two variables x, y but quite complicated expression the number of columns is reduced to 5 with only one looking to be the correct answer y.)

Question: What do those 8 columns present and is one of them the correct answer z, indeed?

POSTED BY: Ilan Riess
6 Replies

Thank you

Indeed, I accept positive solutions only.

POSTED BY: Ilan Riess

Thank you. Here it is:

k2 = 7.25941*10^-11
k1 = 3.7008*10^-10
kx = 3.15569*10^-8
kvv = 0.152304
vmax = 0.32
t6 = Table[p2 /. NSolve[{vt*n^2 == (4*(vmax - vt)^3*k2 + 2*n*(vmax - vt)^2*k1 + 
         n^2*(vmax - vt)*kx + p2*2*(vmax - vt)*kx^2*n^2/kvv)*p2, 
     n^3 == (8*(vmax - vt)^3*k2 + 2*n*(vmax - vt)^2*k1)*p2, 
     vt == 10^lvt}, {p2, n, vt}], {lvt, -4, -0.5, 0.05}]

Out[8]   {{-0.0038515 - 0.0304568 I, -0.0038515 + 0.0304568 I, 
  0.000199833}, {-0.00386354 - 0.0304558 I, -0.00386354 + 0.0304558 I,
   0.000224192}, {-0.00387704 - 0.0304546 I, -0.00387704 + 
   0.0304546 I, 
  0.000251516}, {-0.00389219 - 0.0304534 I, -0.00389219 + 0.0304534 I,
   0.000282167}, {-0.00390917 - 0.030452 I, -0.00390917 + 0.030452 I, 
  0.000316546}, {-0.00392823 - 0.0304504 I, -0.00392823 + 0.0304504 I,
   0.000355107}, {-0.0039496 - 0.0304488 I, -0.0039496 + 0.0304488 I, 
  0.000398354}, {-0.00397356 - 0.0304469 I, -0.00397356 + 0.0304469 I,
   0.000446855},  etc....


Out[9]  {{-3.49461*10^6, -2.44888*10^6 - 1.74943*10^6 I, -2.44888*10^6 + 
   1.74943*10^6 I, 594461. - 821951. I, 594461. + 821951. I, 0.419391,
   0., 0.}, {-3.49528*10^6, -2.44938*10^6 - 1.74884*10^6 I, -2.44938*10^6 + 1.74884*10^6 I, 
  595306. - 821454. I, 595306. + 821454. I, 0.592224, 0., 0.}, {-3.49604*10^6, -2.44995*10^6 - 
   1.74817*10^6 I, -2.44995*10^6 + 1.74817*10^6 I,  596254. - 820897. I, 596254. + 820897. I, 0.836248, 0., 
  0.}, {-3.49689*10^6, -2.45059*10^6 -  1.74742*10^6 I, -2.45059*10^6 + 1.74742*10^6 I, 
  597319. - 820274. I, 597319. + 820274. I, 1.18076, 0., 0.},  etc...
POSTED BY: Ilan Riess

What do you mean by "unidentified"? You have a system of nonlinear polynomial equations, you can expect multiple solutions. In every row you get different solutions for a given value of lvt, I am not sure in what order. I supplied numerical values for vtn and p22:

k2 = 7.25941*10^-11; k1 = 3.7008*10^-10; kx = 
 3.15569*10^-8; kvv = 0.152304; vmax = 0.32; vtn = 1; p22 = 1; t6 = 
 Table[p2 /. 
   NSolve[{vtn^2 == (4 (vmax - vt)^3 k2 + 2 n (vmax - vt)^2 k1 + 
         n^2 (vmax - vt) kx + p22 (vmax - vt) kx^2 n^2/kvv) p2, 
     n^3 == (8 (vmax - vt)^3 k2 + 2 n (vmax - vt)^2 k1)*p2, 
     vt == 10^lvt}, {p2, n, vt}], {lvt, -4, -0.5, 0.05}]

Perhaps you are looking for real solutions only? If so, give NSolve the option Reals.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Thank you. This answers my question.

POSTED BY: Ilan Riess

If you accept only positive solution, you can add the condition to the equations:

t6 = Table[
  p2 /. NSolve[{vt*
       n^2 == (4*(vmax - vt)^3*k2 + 2*n*(vmax - vt)^2*k1 +
         n^2*(vmax - vt)*kx + p2*2*(vmax - vt)*kx^2*n^2/kvv)*p2,
     n^3 == (8*(vmax - vt)^3*k2 + 2*n*(vmax - vt)^2*k1)*p2,
     vt == 10^lvt,
     p2 > 0},
    {p2, n, vt}],
  {lvt, -4, -0.5, 0.05}]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 9 months ago

There are no special hidden meanings to the result of NSolve. But if you want help understanding the results you're going to need to provide us with the actual example.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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