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.NET runtime issue on Linux [Resolved]

Posted 6 months ago

I have installed MM 14.0 on Linux (RHEL 9) and am having an issue with using NETLink (.NET). I have the following .NET version on the system and the runtime is registered and DOTNET_ROOT is set.

$ dotnet --info

  Version:      8.0.4
  Architecture: x64
  Commit:       2d7eea2529
  RID:          rhel.9-x64

.NET SDKs installed:
  No SDKs were found.

.NET runtimes installed:
  Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 8.0.4 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
  Microsoft.NETCore.App 8.0.4 [/usr/lib64/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]

Other architectures found:

Environment variables:
  DOTNET_ROOT       [/usr/lib64/dotnet]

I only have the runtime installed, but I don't think I need the SDK as I'm not building a .NET program.

Mathematica gives the following:

In[1]:= Needs["NETLink`"]

In[2]:= NETLink[]

In[3]:= InstallNET[]

During evaluation of In[3]:= LinkOpen::linke: Could not find MathLink executable.

During evaluation of In[3]:= InstallNET::fail: A link to the .NET runtime could not be established.

Out[3]= $Failed

Anyone have an idea on why Mathematica can't find my dotnet runtime?

POSTED BY: Jeffery Henning
Posted 5 months ago

Heard back from Wolfram support.

NETLink only supports .NET Framework, which only runs on Windows.

Microsoft's .NET Core is designed to be multiplatform and runs on Various flavors of Linux, but is not supported by NETLink. This means that, for now, NETLink can't be used on anything but Windows.

POSTED BY: Jeffery Henning
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