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Is .ws the file extension for Wolfram Script?

Is .ws the file extension for Wolfram Script? For example, could you have a file like I know there's .nb for notebooks. I am asking because .ws is also used for the programming language Whitespace. I have attached an example of a Whitespace file from National Cyber. If you would like to process a Whitespace file, please visit I have added Whitespace for WS to and am considering adding Wolfram Script for WS on list of filename extensions on Wikipedia if I am correct that .ws is Wolfram Script. I also need a good source on how .ws is a Wolfram Script file. I think I've seen .ws in paclet development files. I searched my computer for .ws files with Voidtools everything and got only 1 result.
As a more general question, what are the different file formats of the Wolfram Language besides .nb and possibly .ws? There's .wl, .m, .nb, .wxf, .wdx, .mx, and .wlnet. For more details, please visit Some of these file formats like .wxf and .wdx have uses with the Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP) and ByteArray. enter image description here

POSTED BY: Peter Burbery
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