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ParametricPlot with bar legend

In this file, I have plotted region bounded by concentric circle of radius 'rs', which is a function of 'rh'. Now I want to show the corresponding values of T in bar legend. The bar legend part is ok but the plot does not show the corresponding color for T values. for same rh, the color corresponding to T should show in the plot. Can anyone fix it? I have attached the notebook.

POSTED BY: Debojyoti Mondal
Posted 1 month ago

Use ColorFunction instead of PlotStyle.

I haven't tried to reverse engineer your code to make sure this produces your desired result, and some of your code seems suspicious (like the FindMinimum/FindMaximum stuff), but ColorFunction is the option to use to color the plot according to the coordinates of points on the plot.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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