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MultiaxisArrangement not available for ListLogLinearPlot?

It seems as if the option MultiaxisArrangement is not available for ListLogLinearPlot. Could you confirm this is still missing? In the documentation to says this is an option for Graphics and Plots but does not give a hint to such a limitation.

POSTED BY: Joachim Janezic
3 Replies

Two additional questions please:

  1. How could I modify the Range of one of the two vertical axis?

Example: in the uploaded diagram I would like to restrict the right vertical axis to the interval [-180; -80] degrees.

enter image description here

  1. How could I label the horizontal axis?

Thank you,


POSTED BY: Joachim Janezic

Great, thx!

POSTED BY: Joachim Janezic

This option appears to be missing (at least in my version 13.3). But you could use instead ListPlot with the appropriate ScalingFunctions-option, e.g.:

ListPlot[{Range[100], Prime[Range[100]], Range[100]^2}, 
 MultiaxisArrangement -> {Right -> {1, 2}, Left -> 3}, 
 ScalingFunctions -> {"Log", Automatic}]
POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner
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