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[WEBINAR] Flying on the edge: simulating High-G jet aerobatics

Posted 4 months ago

Fly into the danger zone as we model the Aermacchi military jet trainer using the Aircraft Library 2.0 in this webinar. enter image description here

This jet will be pushed to the limit as we design and fly high-G maneuvers like the ones performed at air shows, while we make sure that the structural integrity is not compromised through the use of a V-n diagram. For the grand finale, we will execute a challenging seven-aircraft formation flying stunt: the dazzling Delta Breakout!

No prior Wolfram System Modeler or Wolfram Language experience is required to join this webinar.

We look forward to seeing you: June 4th, 2024, 11am-12pm CT (4-5pm GMT)


enter image description here

POSTED BY: Ankit Naik
4 Replies

Hello everyone! You can download the presenter's notebook from this link:

POSTED BY: Roberto Martinez
Posted 4 months ago

Is there something that we can try before tomorrow's Webinar?

POSTED BY: Zafer Gurdal

Hi Zafer,

Before the webinar, you can try downloading the Aircraft Library (free) from Wolfram System Modeler: This will allow you to explore and experiment with the built-in examples to familiarize yourself with the library that will be used in the webinar.

POSTED BY: Vedat Senol

Looking forward to the modeling examples in this event tomorrow. Seats for the webinar are still available. Sign up here.

POSTED BY: Jamie Peterson
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