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How can I merge lists using Riffle and Partition, when I need a function?

Posted 11 years ago

I've got the data, containing the values in 5 studies and the days in the first column. I am trying to create the ErrorListPlot, but I've got the problem with syntax.


pathTransplant = 

dataTransplant1Weight = Import[pathTransplant, {"Data", 1, All, 2}];
dataTransplant2Weight = Import[pathTransplant, {"Data", 1, All, 3}];
dataTransplant3Weight = Import[pathTransplant, {"Data", 1, All, 4}];
dataTransplant4Weight = Import[pathTransplant, {"Data", 1, All, 5}];
dataTransplant5Weight = Import[pathTransplant, {"Data", 1, All, 6}];
dataTransplantWeight = List[dataTransplant1Weight, dataTransplant2Weight, dataTransplant3Weight, dataTransplant4Weight, dataTransplant5Weight];

dataDay = Import[pathTransplant, {"Data", 1, All, 1}];
meanTransplant = Mean[dataTransplantWeight];
standardErrorTransplant = StandardDeviation[dataTransplantWeight]/Sqrt[Length[dataTransplantWeight]];

plotDataTransplant = Partition[Riffle[dataDay, meanTransplant], 2]
plotDataTransplantErr = Partition[Riffle[plotDataTransplant, standardErrorTransplant], 2]


The problem is with plotDataTransplantErr = Partition[Riffle[plotDataTransplant, standardErrorTransplant], 2] It gives me the output like this:

{{{0., 245.6}, 3.9064}, {{1., 204.8}, 3.33766}, {{3., 202.6}, 2.65707}...

It is practically what I need, but I cannot insert the text "ErrorBar" in it, as I need something like this for input of ErrorListPlot:

{{{0., 245.6}, ErrorBar [3.9064]}, {{1., 204.8}, ErrorBar [3.33766]}, {{3., 202.6}, ErrorBar [2.65707]}

This doesn't work either:

ErrorListPlot[{plotDataTransplant, ErrorBar[standardErrorTransplant]}]

Strange plot

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