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Restrict network license to one per user

Posted 8 months ago

Hello all,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but here goes. We have a network license server with 6 seats and I noticed a weird behavior which I would like to clarify.

Say I open mathematica on my windows laptop. I look at the report from monitorlm and I see one seat occupied. But then, if I open Mathematica again from the shortcut on desktop, it opens again and I can now see that a second seat is taken. Is this the intended behavior? What is the point of this? It looks like one person can take all 6 seats by opening 6 mathematica instances. This behavior doesn't happen if after I open mathematica, I then open a number of notebooks. Monitorlm reports only one seat taken.

Is there a way to for only one licence per user? Per machine? I have read about reservations but I don't think this is what will solve the problem.



POSTED BY: Lucian Filip
Posted 8 months ago


My concern is the following:

We don't have many users that are using Mathematica, but they may be more than 6 or they can change their computers (work at the office vs working at home). I was looking for an automated method that can tell the server that once someone has taken a seat, to not give them another from the same machine. Then release that seat when they finish. But I don't necessarily want to reserve that seat only to a specific user. If that makes sense.

Regards, Lucian

POSTED BY: Lucian Filip
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