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Are there functions that can check a notebook for errors and corruption?

Posted 11 years ago

Are there functions that can be run to check a notebook for possible corruption?

I have been saving my work to a local work drive and a backup drive. However, the notebooks that I saved last night were both corrupt this morning. These files saved with no warnings or errors. The AuthorTools functions could not even begin to read the notebook.

This will probably take a number of days to recover. It would be good to know of any potential corruption before saving. I am adopting a practice of saving a version of the notebook at least once an hour to a uniquely named file. Hopefully this means I will only be one hour behind when the notebook next becomes corrupt.

POSTED BY: Doug Kimzey
4 Replies

Slightly relates as it has to do with keeping backups of your work, take a look at this tool that I recently posted on:

POSTED BY: David Reiss

Bruce - Thanks very much! It pulled 10 cells from the notebook - so I'm guessing that the majority of the nb is too far gone to recover.

Corruption occurring when saving the notebook makes sense. I typically save a copy of the latest notebook to a local hard drive and then to a backup drive. Both the local and backup version were corrupt this morning.

In the code you posted, you are essentially piping uncorrupted cells to a new notebook. Are there functions that could be used to provide information on how or why the cells are corrupt?

POSTED BY: Doug Kimzey

"Are there functions that could be used to provide information on how or why the cells are corrupt?"

To develop such functions, there would have to be well-defined, repeatable examples. If there were, it would be more productive to add code to prevent the problem.

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller

Attached is a newer, usually more effective de-corrupter. Note that it can only pull out good cells.

Notebook corruption is thought to happen as or after the notebook is saved to disk.
Corruption modes that had any consistency to them had workarounds implemented in the version 4 era.

Would you send a note to with info on the notebook (size, major features like "lots of 3D graphics" or "many calls to ChemicalData", and the output from evaluating $Version in Mathematica). Was in kept on a local drive, or a network drive?

Mention this Community thread number, 320081.

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller
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