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Det::luc result for Det of badly conditioned matrix

Posted 2 days ago

Hi, I have just upgraded to Mathematica 14.0 from 13.

It results now that I cannot calculate numerical determinants as they were calculated until version 13. I get the message Result for Det of badly conditioned matrix.

Any way to make Mathematica to keep calculating determinants without needing to update until now working long notebooks?

Thanks. .

POSTED BY: Cesar Lozada
4 Replies
Posted 2 days ago

Solution found:



POSTED BY: Cesar Lozada
Posted 2 days ago

Sorry for ignoring the rules. I mean this

mm={{-2.189378444982154, 21.010339270775784, -19.768819222957216}, {-52.36007139957183, 12.270797378058715, 43.88070761016749}, {76.88784687371522, -68.48310247861276, -11.24831958659327}}
Det::luc: Result for Det of badly conditioned matrix {{-2.189378444982154,21.010339270775784,-19.768819222957216},{-52.36007139957183,12.270797378058715,43.88070761016749},{76.88784687371522,-68.48310247861276,-11.24831958659327}} may contain significant numerical errors.

This warning was not presented in version 13.1

Any way to get off of this message. I have checked the following workaround are solutions:


But I have a very long package and should made many changes or define a new function for calculating determinants.

Thanks again in advance

POSTED BY: Cesar Lozada

I do not think the methods changed. All that changed, to my recollection, was adding the message for cases where the computation hit ill conditioning. Results should be the same as before

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

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