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Can someone help me with accessing my certification?

Posted 6 months ago

I have been asking same question over 3 days, and no one gave no response. How to get access to my certification? I did all task what was required in track your progress
Please do not ignore me i did send message through email, and still no response

POSTED BY: Daniyal Kozybak
4 Replies

What was the answer to this? I completed all the requirements in the Intro to Calculus course, but it's not clear how to access the certificates. The objects on the "Track My Progress" page do nothing as far as I can see.

POSTED BY: Paul Tikotin

Hello Paul,

We received your inquiry via (Case 5204235) on November 28. We were closed from November 28 to 29 for the holiday.

I have followed up with you in your case.

Thank you,

Christine Owens Wolfram U Project Manager

POSTED BY: Christine Owens

Hello Daniyal, I believe you've already been helped (if memory serves). However, if this is related to a different request, please email, and I will assist you.

POSTED BY: Christine Owens

Thanks for sending an email message to, where we can discuss the details of your request.

POSTED BY: Christine Owens
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