So, for anyone like me that needed some initial information on this notebook and using the prediction function, here are some pointers I established.
First, the features listed as weather stations are not subject to the same wind conditions. We have some facing the Atlantic ocean some inland and some on the East coast facing the Irish sea. So you may want to pick weather stations to use in the prediction that would have similar wind conditions.
So this means selecting a reduced list of features (weather stations) that best suit the location of interest. This just means a shorter list of values for your prediction enquiry.
Imagine you have a new set of measurements that you want to use and the related date.
dateTest=DateObject[{1965,8,3}], for Mathematica to accept the date format.
data ={dateTest,4.96,4.25,8.71,1.87,4.75,0.71,3.21,2.,1.67,3.67,4.08}
This will get you started and then you can develop more elaborate code.