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\ddot in LaTeX inline objects

Posted 7 months ago

I have been using the CNTL $ LaTeX in text cells for some slide show presentations and there are some things that drive me crazy. The craziest is the \ddot function that is very ugly and very different from \dot (which could be improved but is not bad). \overset{..} is better but still not good and it doesn't always work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. As things stand, my presentations will not be very good advertisements for Mathematica.

POSTED BY: Howard Georgi
6 Replies

Probably a longer time since you had to deal with me Howard (as undergrad advisor of a fair-to-middling student). I hope things are going well. I have no advice to offer but I’ll mention this issue in-house. My own headache is more commonly the reverse, going from Mathematica/WL to LaTeX.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

Daniel, I sent this in though the bugs system.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

Hi Howard (long time since we last ran into each other) I hope you are doing well.

I passed on some examples of this formatting issue to folks internally at Wolfram (I don't work on it, but I do have a vested interest in it since I am doing some work recently that does a lot of TeX formatting into Mathematica).

And for others who want to see how it appears I am attaching an example notebook.

POSTED BY: David Reiss

You may try to nake the replacement very fast with an external text editor. But make a safe copy of the notebook before you attempt that. Also, you may consider submitting a bug report.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Thanks very much - not ideal but better than nothing!

POSTED BY: Howard Georgi

Not very practical if you have a lot of \ddot, but here is a workaround: from the menu choose "Cell :> Show Expression", then replace all occurrences of "\:0308" with "..".

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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