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[Summer Colloquium] Ecological research with Wolfram Language

Wolfram Colloquium Series banner

Contemporary ecological research requires robust analytical tools and techniques to model ecosystems reliably or study ecological data. Wolfram Language offers a broad and powerful toolkit for researchers exploring complex ecological questions.

In this second special online colloquium on ecological research with Wolfram Language, we have invited experts from around the world to share short presentations focused on their recent exciting work in ecology, highlighting how they have used Wolfram Language tools in their work.

Learn about the wide-ranging applications of Wolfram Language for ecology, from ecosystem dynamical modeling to spatial ecology.

Attendees will gain insights into the application of computational approaches to ecological studies, demonstrating the versatility and capability of Wolfram Language in addressing critical ecological challenges.

To register for the event please follow the link below to the BigMarker platform.

Register here

Please feel free to use this thread to collaborate and share ideas. Also, let us know what colloquium topics interest you for future events in this series!

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Hello all,

I'm pleased to finally announce our speaker list and schedule for this event.


  • Jonas Denk - Postdoctoral researcher at Hallatschek Lab, UC Berkeley; currently a consultant with zeb consulting
  • Daniel Smith - Postdoctoral researcher at Masel Lab, University of Arizona


  • 13:00 to 13:05 - Phileas Dazeley-Gaist - Introductions and Welcome
  • 13:05 to 13:40 - Jonas Denk - Tipping Points Emerge From Weak Mutualism in Metacommunities
  • 13:40 to 14:15 - Daniel Smith - A Unified Framework for Interference and Exploitative Competition: Synthesizing Classic Ecological and Evolutionary Game Theory Models
  • 14:15 to 14:30 - All Speakers - Closing Questions and Discussion

Don't miss this opportunity to discover Wolfram Language uses in cutting edge ecological research. Register now here:

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