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County seats in contiguous 48 US states

Posted 6 months ago

I am brand new to the Wolfram ecosystem (as of today!) and I need to start with some basic research on selected towns or cities that are county seats in the contiguous 48 states. My selection criteria are: (1) Current county seat (2) population between 4,000 and 75,000 (3) not the state capital (4) not in Alaska or Hawaii or any US territories.
I want to list them by region and state. I'd appreciate any steering you might offer to a total neophyte in this ecosystem.

POSTED BY: Philip Ullom
Posted 6 months ago

Welcome! There are several built-in capabilities that makes this kind on analysis easier than in other systems because the data is built-in. Start by doing a basic tutorial of the language and then focus on entities in particular of the "AdministrativeDivision" type.

County entities have a "CapitalCity" property and the resulting city entity has many properties too.

Good luck!

POSTED BY: Gustavo Delfino
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