Hey folks!
I'm trying to solve the following equations using DSolve, but it loads indefinitely. Could you please give me some guidance? dD/dt = D * W Entries of D are functions of variables S and t The initial condition of D(S, 0) is given.
But when I solve it inside Mathematica, it keeps loading for more than hours (I tried multiple times, no result after one+ hour)
Thanks a ton! P.S.: my equations are:
My DSolve code:
Q[S_, t_] := {
{d11[S, t], d12[S, t], d13[S, t]},
{d21[S, t], d22[S, t], d23[S, t]},
{d31[S, t], d32[S, t], d33[S, t]}
}; (*Store results here*)
FullSimplify[Dot[Q[S, t], W]]
Equations = Table[
D[Q[S, t][[i, j]], t] == FullSimplify[Dot[Q[S, t], W]][[i, j]]
, {i, 3}, {j, 3}];
InitialConditions = Table[
Q[S, 0][[i, j]] == FrameEvolve0[[i, j]]
, {i, 3}, {j, 3}];
sol = Simplify[DSolve[
Flatten[Q[S, t]],