Hi Dear Community,
Want to solve the inequality:
-Cos[omega] Cos[psi] Sin[phi] + Sin[omega] Cos[phi] >= 0
where I have conditional expressions:
s[1] - u[1]<psi<s[1] + u[1] and t[1] - u[1]<phi<t[1] + u[1]
where u[i],t[i] and s[i] are values from a string of values.
I want to have an output that either tells me that it is true or not true.
So I wrote the following:
test[omega_] :=
Simplify[-Cos[omega] Cos[psi] Sin[phi] + Sin[omega] Cos[phi] >= 0,
s[1] - u[1] <= psi <= s[1] + u[1] &&
t[1] - u[1] <= phi <= t[1] + u[1]]
so for omega=0.1, I write: test[0.1]
Eventually I want to make such a function
test[omega,i]:=Table[ Simplify[-Cos[omega] Cos[psi] Sin[phi] + Sin[omega] Cos[phi] >= 0,
s[1] - u[1] <= psi <= s[1] + u[1] &&
t[1] - u[1] <= phi <= t[1] + u[1]],{i,1,imax}]
The problem: The boundaries for phi and psi are not numbers and therefore there are problems evaluating it.
Sorry if I am not completely clear and thanks for any help.