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Unit conversions that used to work on WolframAlpha are broken. How do I do it now, or is it a bug?

Posted 1 month ago

I make a lot of queries that look something like...

1.92 TB / 128 KiB

The expected result is a ratio, telling me how many 128 KiB units of data can fit into 1.92TB of storage. In this case, I expect an answer of about 14.6 million.

Up until recently this type of query has worked flawlessly, but when I try it today, it's not working. Does anybody know what's going on? Is there some other way I'm supposed to format this kind of query now, or is this a bug?

POSTED BY: Matthew McMullan

I have encountered a similar issue recently.

Simple calculations still seem to work

But as soon as we add additional parameters. We are unable to compute.

It appears to be as the OP said an issue with units. Without attached units we compute fine.  When we include the units here, we encounter said error.

Thanks for all your help! ^.^

Matthew Fox (The Memes of Destruction)

POSTED BY: Matthew Fox
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