Hi, I have Mathematica 14.0. and when I am using export to vector format (like svg), then I am getting fully vectorized image (i.e. ticks, frame .. are letters, lines and so on). This is what i would like to have while, I am plotting 4 liines, but then I am having the plot fully pixelized (i.e. all the graph area+frame+ticks is one image which cannot be easily eddited). Please see the example bellow.:
plottable2 =
Flatten[Table[{{i - 0.05, tmp = RandomReal[{0., 0.5}]}, {i + 0.05,
tmp}}, {i, -5.45, 1.95 + 0.01, 0.1}]], {75*2, 2}],
Flatten[Table[{{i - 0.05, tmp = RandomReal[{0., 0.5}]}, {i + 0.05,
tmp}}, {i, -5.45, 1.95 + 0.01, 0.1}]], {75*2, 2}],
Flatten[Table[{{i - 0.05, tmp = RandomReal[{0., 0.5}]}, {i + 0.05,
tmp}}, {i, -5.45, 1.95 + 0.01, 0.1}]], {75*2, 2}],
Flatten[Table[{{i - 0.05, tmp = RandomReal[{0., 0.5}]}, {i + 0.05,
tmp}}, {i, -5.45, 1.95 + 0.01, 0.1}]], {75*2, 2}]},
Filling -> Bottom, PlotStyle -> style, Frame -> True,
FrameStyle -> Thick,
FrameLabel -> {"adsorption energy (eV)", "Frequency"},
LabelStyle -> Directive[Bold, Black, Thick, 18, "Times New Roman"],
PlotLabel -> Style["Random", Bold, 18, "Times New Roman"],
Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {0, 0.51},
PlotLegends ->
Placed[{Style["*H", Black, 18, "Times New Roman"],
Style["*OH", Black, 18, "Times New Roman"],
Style["*\!\(\*SubscriptBox[\(OCH\), \(3\)]\)", Black, 18,
"Times New Roman"],
Style["*OCHO", Black, 18, "Times New Roman"]}, Right],
ImageSize -> 300]
Export[NotebookDirectory[] <> "tmp_plot.svg", plottable2]
Is there any reason for it? Is there an easy way, how to obtain vectorized output? Thank you very much for your answer!