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Indicator error from Sum[ ]

Posted 1 month ago


I have two syntax errors below and I don't know how to repair them. The result I am expecting is that one.

POSTED BY: Ovidiu Ghiță
8 Replies

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The rules explain how to format your code properly. Posting code Images doesn't help other members to copy your code. Please EDIT your post and make sure code blocks start on a new paragraph and look framed and colored like this.

int = Integrate[1/(x^3 - 1), x];
Map[Framed, int, Infinity]

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Your first iterator has the form {1, n-6}. The proper form of an iterator is something like {a, 1, n}, that is,

(variable, start_value, end_value}

The variable needs to be symbolic. The start and end values may be numeric or symbolic expressions. There is a short form for iterators when the start value is 1: {a, n} is equivalent to {a, 1, n}. All of your iterators lack a variable.

When you fix that, you will probably discover another syntax issue: abcdef is a single variable, whereas a b c d e f is a product of six variables. It is important to put spaces between symbol names. My guess is that you want the product.

POSTED BY: Michael Rogers
Posted 1 month ago

Yes Sir, very good pointed, I want a product of six variables.

POSTED BY: Ovidiu Ghiță
Posted 1 month ago

Sir, now it works. But it's monstruous. I try to find a numerical rule of these sums: 1x2x...x(k-1)xk+1x2x...x(k-1)x(k+1)+...+1x2x...x(k-1)xn+1x2x...xkx(k+1)+...+(n-k+1)x(n-k+2)x...xn where n is natural, greater than or equal with k and k is natural, greater than 1 (each sum is fixed for a k). Until now I've tried with simple form of Wolfram Alpha, for users (cases k=1,2,3,4,5,6 which means at most five nested sums), but now with the increased computational power of Wolfram Mathematica I hope to calculate these kind of summations for bigger values of k. The idea with these sums is as it follows: there appears some arithmetical progressions that can be calculated and multiplied with each sum. E.g.: k=2 1x2+1x3+...+1xn+2x3+2x4+...+2xn+...+(n-1)xn k=3 1x2x3+1x2x4+...+1x2xn+1x3x4+1x3x5+...+1x3xn+...+(n-2)x(n-1)xn.

POSTED BY: Ovidiu Ghiță
Posted 1 month ago

For example we take case k=2, n=5. We have 1x2+1x3+1x4+1x5+2x3+2x4+2x5+3x4+3x5+4x5. We arrange the terms in this triangular way: 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 2x3 2x4 2x5 3x4 3x5 4x5 We sum the diagonalised terms and we obtain 2x1+3x1+3x2+4x1+4x2+4x3+5x1+5x2+5x3+5x4= 2x1+3x(1+2)+4x(1+2+3)+5x(1+2+3+4). I claim that for any n and any k respecting conditions above, we have these arithmetical progressions within the brackets, by using this method. Observation. I don't know yet for which value of k I could obtain Gauss sum 1+2+...+n, because for k=1 my sum makes 0.

POSTED BY: Ovidiu Ghiță

I don't understand what you want to compute. Here's simple modification of your original code to include the variables. The result factors somewhat nicely and does not seem monstrous to me, but maybe it does to you:

 Sum[1/2 a b c d e f (e + f) (f - e - 1), {a, 1, n - 6}, {b, a + 1, 
   n - 5}, {c, b + 1, n - 4}, {d, c + 1, n - 3}, {e, d + 1, 
   n - 2}, {f, e + 2, n}]
((-6 + n) (-5 + n) (-4 + n) (-3 + n) (-2 + n) (-1 + n) n^2 (1 + 
   n)^2 (80 + 34 n - 57 n^2 - 18 n^3 + 9 n^4))/5806080
POSTED BY: Michael Rogers

The syntax for the iterators is {variableName, lowerBound, upperBound}. You omitted the variable names.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 1 month ago

And what shall I write correctly? Can you send me here the text modified please?

POSTED BY: Updating Name
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