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Why do EstimatedProcess (via TimeSereisModelFit) and LinearModelFit give different results?

Posted 25 days ago


I've been replicating the time series examples from Stock and Watson's "Introduction to Econometrics textbook. In some case (as in this one) I have R code from a companion guide by Hanck et al.

My question is why do I get a (slightly) different result when I run the same data through EstimateProcess and LinearModelFit? [In my original full replication the difference occurs between TimeSeriesModelFit and LinearModelFit, but my understanding from the TimeSeriesProcess documentation is that TimeSeriesModelFit uses EstimateProcess, so I have gone directly to that function in the code snippet below.]

I've also replicated the examples in R, where the straight linear model approach and time series object approach yield identical answers -- though slightly different from the textbook's.

With Mathematica, the LinearModelFit answer (rounded) exactly matches the textbook. The EstimateProcess output, with a large (200+) sample is noticeably different, but the coefficients have the same p-values. Below, I use a small sample to highlight the difference.

I'm just curious whether the functions use different estimators/assumptions or whether I am unwittingly introducing the difference. Thanks!

(*10 obs of base quarterly series*)
basetestdata = {2845.453, 2873.169, 2843.718, 2770., 2788.278, 
   2852.741, 2919.47, 2973.782, 3046.096, 3040.235};
(*10 obs at Lag 1*)
lagtestdata = {2851.778, 2845.453, 2873.169, 2843.718, 2770., 
  2788.278, 2852.741, 2919.47, 2973.782, 3046.096};
(*Calculate annualized percentage growth assuming quarterly data*)
tdgrowthpct = 400   Log[basetestdata/lagtestdata] (*10 obs*)

(*Method 1:Submit to Estimateprocess[]*)
tdgrowthpctEProc = 
  ARProcess[1]] (*Lag will reduce to 9 obs*)
(*Output is:ARProcess[1.537332,{0.3994062},33.70502]*)

(*Method 2:form pairs and submit to LinearModelFit[] R*)
basetdgrowthpct = Take[tdgrowthpct, {2, 10}] (*Get down to 9 obs*)
lagtdgrowthpct = Take[tdgrowthpct, {1, 9}] (*Get down to 9 obs*)
data2 = MapThread[
  List, {lagtdgrowthpct, basetdgrowthpct}] (*Create nine pairs*)
tdgrowthpctLM1 = 
 LinearModelFit[data2, x, x] // Normal  (*Submit nine pairs*)
(*Output is 1.745164+0.408785 x*)
POSTED BY: Thomas Barson
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