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Analyzing the mass properties of STL files

Posted 15 days ago

Recently, I am working on a reverse engineering project. The object is a part similar to a windmill blade, and I need to obtain its accurate surface area. So far, I have used MIRACO 3D scanner to scan and generate STL files. But I cannot see the mass properties, such as surface details, overall volume, surface area, etc.

I am not familiar with Mathematica. Has anyone used Mathematica to perform similar analysis? What are the specific steps?

Looking forward to your reply!

POSTED BY: Emily o
Posted 15 days ago

It's difficult to give precise advise without actual files to play with. But generally, you should be able to use Import on STL files directly. You will probably end up with a MeshRegion, and it might be a 2D region embedded in 3D space. From there you should be able to use RegionMeasure directly to get the surface area. You may need to do some manipulation of the MeshRegion before you can get volume, since it's just a 2D surface.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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