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Use different magnetic model

Posted 12 days ago

How to specify that I want to use IGRF model instead of automatic when calling GeomagneticModelData ? The help is not clear and it is missing example. I tried various options like following but none of them is correct.

geomagneticNorth = GeomagneticModelData["NorthGeomagneticPole", dates, Method->"IGRF"];
geomagneticNorth = GeomagneticModelData["NorthGeomagneticPole", dates, Method->IGRF];
POSTED BY: Ján Kolár

... The help is not clear and it is missing example. ...

Have a look in the respective documentation on GeomagneticModelData[] under "Examples" -> "Options" -> "Method". Something like this seems to work:

GeomagneticModelData[Here, Now, Method -> ("Model" -> "IGRF")]
POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner
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