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Is it true that for a system wide version 14 and up, the help pages need to be installed per /user/?

Posted 4 months ago


At my college, Mathematica 14.0 is installed on a server. I asked our computer center why there are no local help pages, and instead it jumps to a web browser (none too successfully, by the way).

They told me that with Mathematica 14.0 and newer, the help pages need to be installed on a user-by-user bases.

This makes no sense to me. (What a waste!)

Can someone tell me if this is true? If so, why? If not, how can I explain to the computer center how to do this?


POSTED BY: Aaron Naiman
2 Replies

They can be installed on a per-user or per machine basis. It depends on how you run the installer.

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki

On my Macintosh the Mathematica documentation, since about last year, is installed at demand in the directory /Library/Wolfram/Documentation. I suppose it is available to all users of the computer. I don't know anything about servers, though.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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