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Unexpected behaviour from NMaximize optimising a stochastic function

Posted 3 hours ago

I have a complicated function whose output contains noise. I'm interested in using Differential Evolution via NMaximize to solve it. However, NMaximize appears to compile or somehow 'freeze' the function outside its loop.

Below is a minimal example. Here, 'function 1' produces the expected behaviour in finding the argmax $\pi$ alongside a different random maximum each time.

That is, for three example runs:

{{0.368844, {\[Eta] -> 3.14159}}, {1.29786, {\[Eta] -> 
    3.14159}}, {0.128056, {\[Eta] -> 3.14159}}}

My actual problem is more like 'function 2'. But in this case it provides the same result three times. The result is also wrong and not $\pi$ - probably linked with the unexpected behaviour:

{{0.08951, {\[Eta] -> 3.89056}}, {0.08951, {\[Eta] -> 
    3.89056}}, {0.08951, {\[Eta] -> 3.89056}}}

Here is the example code:


(* function 1 *)
f1 := NMaximize[{1.0 - (\[Pi] - \[Eta])^2 + 
    0. < \[Eta] < 4.}, \[Eta] \[Element] Reals, 
   Method -> "DifferentialEvolution"  ];
Table[f1, {3}]

(* function 2 *)
w[\[Eta]_?NumericQ] := 
  Block[{\[Epsilon]}, \[Epsilon] := 
   1.0 - (\[Pi] - \[Eta])^2 + \[Epsilon]];
f2 := NMaximize[{w[\[Eta]], 0. < \[Eta] < 4.}, \[Eta] \[Element] 
    Reals, Method -> "DifferentialEvolution"  ];
Table[f2, {3}]
POSTED BY: Cameron Turner
3 Replies
Posted 2 hours ago

See a comparison of the convergence of f1, with the f2 with the random seed below:

Plot of f1

plot of f2

POSTED BY: Cameron Turner

I believe NMaximize and NMinimize control the random seed. That would explain why you get the same result each time. Luckily, the user can specify a random random seed:

f2 := NMaximize[{w[\[Eta]], 0. < \[Eta] < 4.}, \[Eta] \[Element] 
    Reals, Method -> {"DifferentialEvolution", 
     "RandomSeed" -> RandomInteger[2^63]}];
Table[f2, {3}]
POSTED BY: Michael Rogers
Posted 2 hours ago

Thanks for your reply again Michael.

This does produce the expected behaviour of stochastic variation between runs. However, the method you've provided (and I have just tried) appears to struggle. That is, compared to the case where you define the function internal to NMaximize, where it obtains the correct argmax quickly and with high precision. By contrast, the "RandomSeed" option has the NMaximize not converge in 100 iterations. What accounts for this difference?

Ideally, I want them to treat both options the same, converging just as quickly and accurately, even though the function is defined outside NMaximize.

POSTED BY: Cameron Turner
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