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Multiple solutions problem! HELP!!!

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Can someone help me? I've solved a simple first order conditions system with different values of A. I get then a equilibrium couple of X and Y for each value of A i'm interested in. What i want to add in my last computation is the value of p for each equilibrium couple! Is it possible? Mathematica should understand to substitute, for each value of A, the equilibrium value of X and Y in the p formula, to get the result...

How can i do that?


POSTED BY: Filippo Roda
9 Replies

What Daniel was saying was that in the second notebook you should expect NSolve to give a lot of warning messages because the foc1 == 0 equation has no Real solution for A==0.

POSTED BY: Bruce Miller

I think you didn't get my question... Bill Simpson got it; and i hope he will clarify also my new doubt :)

POSTED BY: Filippo Roda

C'mon, look at what you have. Your first equation cannot be zero when you set A to zero.

{foc1, foc2} /. A -> 0

(* Out[12]= {-1, 0} *)

This is not the sort of thing that should be sent to an entire forum for analysis.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

Now I added another variable like A (known f).... But it doesn't work anymore.... why?

See attachment! Thanks!

POSTED BY: Filippo Roda

THANK YOU!!!! :)

POSTED BY: Filippo Roda
Posted 11 years ago


In[6]:= m = Table[{{A, X, Y, p} /. NSolve[{foc1 == 0, foc2 == 0}, {X, Y}, Reals]}, {A, 0, 2, 1/10}]

Out[6]= {{{0, X, Y, 0}},  {{{1/10, 0.0137388, 0.314177, 0.0437295}}},  {{{1/5, 0.0293842, 0.289732, 0.101418}}},
etc, etc, etc
POSTED BY: Bill Simpson

i'm not able to do that :( Please help me! I can send you the mathematica file!

see attachment!

POSTED BY: Filippo Roda

Enter the code you wrote as code rather than an image. That way it will be both readable and cut-and-pasteable by others.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

if you don't understand the question just ask!

To sum up, by a simple system of equation i get different value of X and Y. For each of these solution i want to calculate p which is a function of X and Y itself!

POSTED BY: Filippo Roda

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