If you want to, for example, set a parameter called filePath to the path to a file on your system you could use a button to execute the action as in:
Button["Set filePath",
filePath = SystemDialogInput["FileOpen"],
Method -> "Queued"]
Then, when the button is clicked the parameter filePath is set to the path to the file that you selected. You might then put this button in a DynamicModule to localize filePath and have your additional code (i.e., to plot data contained in the file) as a dynamic element within that DynamicModule.
Here is an example of something like that.
First create a test file on your disk using something like:
Export["/Users/dreiss/Desktop/testdata.txt", Range[10], "Table"]
Then experiment with the following
DynamicModule[{filePath, data = {3, 2, 1}},
Button["Set filePath",
filePath = SystemDialogInput["FileOpen"];
If[filePath === $Canceled, data = RandomReal[{0, 10}, 20],
data = Import[filePath, "List"]]
Method -> "Queued"],