Mathematica ignores your first equation, I wonder why. However, a plot suggests that your first equation is simpler than it may appear from the formula:
ContourPlot[{dSdN1A == dSdN1B, N1A + N1B == N1Ai + N1Bi},
{N1A, -1, 2}, {N1B, -1, 2}]
I would simplify your equations first:
dSdN1A == dSdN1B;
Rationalize[%, 0]
FullSimplify[%, N1A > 0 && N1B > 0]
eq1New = ApplySides[Exp, %]
N1A + N1B == N1Ai + N1Bi;
eq2New = Rationalize[%]
and finally
Solve[{eq1New, eq2New}]