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Inverse eigenvalue problems: reconstructing fractal potentials from eigenvalue spectra

Posted 3 months ago

The plot highlights the relationship between the shape of the potential and the corresponding wavefunctions. Inverse eigenvalue problems.

POSTED BY: Michael Trott
5 Replies

Dear Trott,

I would like to use the code you wrote for "dressingTransformationPotentials" in my scientific article and in a webinar about the uses of Mathematica.

I would be grateful if you could kindly let me use the code.

Best regards, Furkan Semih.

Feel free to use my code for any usage you have in mind.

Best regards, Michael

POSTED BY: Michael Trott

Thank you very much.

All the best, Furkan Semih.

The potential looks much nicer, when you plot the inverses of the primes. You get one more oscillation for every new prime. So one can anticipate an asymptotically oscillating potential that encodes all the information about primes. Pretty interesting.

V = dressingTransformationPotentials[1/# & /@ Prime[Range[50]], 400];
Plot[V[Abs[x]], {x, -400, 400}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Johannes Martin

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