Have you seen the WL Example Repository? It’s a new collection of examples that’s ready for your submissions.
Examples are relatively self-contained notebooks that show how to do specific tasks in Wolfram Language. Every example is a publicly accessible cloud notebook, so it’s an easy way to publish your work or help others get started on similar projects.
You can create and share examples as an extension of a Community post, or use Community to discuss your published examples.
To submit an example, just fill out the definition notebook from the “Submit a New Resource” link on any repository page. There are guidelines at
Some tips for submitting examples:
- The Example Name should be short
- The description is optional, but can include more details
- The thumbnail image is also optional but will help your example stand out in the category page or search results, and also gives you a convenient image to share elsewhere.
- The thumbnail should be 500x500 pixels square, and is an output created by your example
- The thumbnail is small, so text in it won’t be easily readable
- Examples are a sequence of inputs and outputs with short code captions
- Supporting Data and Definitions is for data, not for defining functions
- You can link to other examples, paclets, WFR, etc.
We’re aiming to have good examples in all categories. If you don’t see a category where your example would belong, you can suggest it in the definition notebook.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Here is a sample of different topics: