Can anyone tell me how to define a function to produce a sum of n terms with a slider of each term ex. for 3 terms only Manipulate[Evaluate[Sum[Subscript[a, i], {i, 1, 3}]], {Subscript[a, 1], 0, 1}, {Subscript[a, 2], 0, 1}, {Subscript[a, 3], 0, 1}] This previous example is a model of the required function. I need to define a function of n terms This is my try f[n_] := Manipulate[Evaluate[Sum[Subscript[a, i], {i, 1, n}]], Table[{Subscript[a, i], 0, 1}, {i, 1, n}]]
but the problem in the Table function which will produce (for example n=3) {{Subscript[a, 1], 0, 1}, {Subscript[a, 2], 0, 1}, {Subscript[a, 3], 0, 1}} here the exact problem that the two successive brackets "{{" and, "}}" which should be only one bracket "{" and, "}" as shown in the attached notebook. So, please, anyone know how to overcome this problem inform me Thanks a lot