I have a simple plot for which I want to italicize the label of the variable in each axis label and keep the unit nonitalic. The x-axis label is A (v) and the y-axis label is R (k) where A and R are the variables that I want to italicize and v and k are the units that I want to keep nonitalic. So I did the following:
list = Table[{i, i}, {i, 6}]; ListPlot[list, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}, PlotRange -> All, Frame -> {True, True, False, False}, FrameLabel -> {Style[Style["A", Italic] "(v)", Black, 24],Style[Style["R", Italic] "(k)", Black, 24]}, Axes -> False,ImageSize -> 700, FrameTicksStyle -> Directive[Black, 24]]
The x-axis label is printed out in the correct order A (v), however in the y-axis label the unit (k) appears before the variable R and I think it is because of the alphabetic order of the letters. How can I keep the order of the letters as I want them to appear?