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Assigning data lists to variables from Python output

Posted 4 days ago

this is the python output in my wolfram notebook after i applied Normal[data]:

<|0 -> <|"x" -> 0., "y" -> 0.|>, 1 -> <|"x" -> 0.526316, "y" -> 0.277008|>, 2 -> <|"x" -> 1.05263, "y" -> 1.10803|>, 3 -> <|"x" -> 1.57895, "y" -> 2.49307|>, 4 -> <|"x" -> 2.10526, "y" -> 4.43213|>, 5 -> <|"x" -> 2.63158, "y" -> 6.92521|>, 6 -> <|"x" -> 3.15789, "y" -> 9.9723|>, 7 -> <|"x" -> 3.68421, "y" -> 13.5734|>, 8 -> <|"x" -> 4.21053, "y" -> 17.7285|>, 9 -> <|"x" -> 4.73684, "y" -> 22.4377|>, 10 -> <|"x" -> 5.26316, "y" -> 27.7008|>, 11 -> <|"x" -> 5.78947, "y" -> 33.518|>, 12 -> <|"x" -> 6.31579, "y" -> 39.8892|>, 13 -> <|"x" -> 6.84211, "y" -> 46.8144|>, 14 -> <|"x" -> 7.36842, "y" -> 54.2936|>, 15 -> <|"x" -> 7.89474, "y" -> 62.3269|>, 16 -> <|"x" -> 8.42105, "y" -> 70.9141|>, 17 -> <|"x" -> 8.94737, "y" -> 80.0554|>, 18 -> <|"x" -> 9.47368, "y" -> 89.7507|>, 19 -> <|"x" -> 10., "y" -> 100.|>|>

how can i store x and y values?

Posted 4 days ago

What do you mean by "store"? The title says "assigning data lists to variables", so does that mean you just want the data in a different format for use within the notebook? Like do you want a list of pairs? Or do you want to save them to a file? If you want a file, what format do you want?

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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