Hi. I am trying to express the whole one equation in terms of one variable "e" using mathematica "solve" function but I have two errors regarding this which are the following:
Syntax::bktmcp: Expression "(Subscript[RVsum, t-2dt]+((Subscript[u, t-dt]+\[Epsilon])*RO Subscript[A, t-dt]\[Minus]Subscript[u, t\[Minus]2dt]*R O
Subscript[A, t\[Minus]2dt])^2+((Subscript[u, t]*RO Subscript[A, t]\[Minus](Subscript[u, t-dt]+\[Epsilon])*RO Subscript[A, t-dt])^2)" has no closing ")".
Syntax::sntxi: Incomplete expression; more input is needed.
Here, I may understand the second error message but for my first error message, I think I am perfectly fine with the numbers of opening and closing brackets and this can also be confirmed with my equation when I include or exclude brackets and see whether they are in yellow or red for warning. However, I am still trying to solve all of these two errors and trying to get the expression of this function in terms of one variable. Since the code is in Mathematica format and it is too long to describe, I attached this mathematica code file to this question post. I would appreciate if someone can help me with this quite desparate and urgent problem..Thank you very much in advance.