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Graphical visualization of the dynamics of the airplane?

Posted 20 days ago

Gentlemen, I beg you to kindly inform me about the following question: (1) The three-dimensional trajectory of an airplane is defined by certain variables: the six components of the linear and angular velocities, altitude, heading angles, yaw, roll, etc.
(2) Mathematica integrates without difficulty (normally) the set of 12 non-linear differential equations that allow obtaining the temporal evolution of the variables mentioned for certain flight conditions, controls, etc.
(3) MY QUESTION: Is there a set of Mathematica commands that allows the graphical visualization of the dynamics of the airplane - its evolution as a function of time - so that, from the integrated equations, the movement of the airplane can be visually captured?
(4) The SIMULINK program of Matlab allows this to be done, ... Does Mathematica have the possibility of doing it too?
Many thanks.
PhD. José Pedro Magraner Rullán
Flight Dynamics Polytechnic University of Valencia

POSTED BY: jose magraner
2 Replies

I don't use System Modeler, but it seems to have the capability. Perhaps if you contacted Wolfram, they could help you understand whether it would fit your needs.

Some links:

POSTED BY: Michael Rogers

i think you want to know whether Mathematica can do what Simulink could do. i do not know too. Maybe you can try Matlink, you can run Simulink model in Mathematica and analyze data by Mathematica.

POSTED BY: Martin Xia
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