Equations (17) and (18) are solutions of equation (14) only when \[Epsilon] == \[PlusMinus]1
, and they are not the general solutions, but only particular solutions. Formula (18) has a removable singularity at zero. DSolve
gives you the general solution in terms of the parameter C[1]
. You can recover solution (17) by finding which value of C[1]
gives (17):
{genSol1, genSol2} = y /.
DSolve[y'[x]^2 ==
a*y[x]^2 + b*y[x]^3 + c*y[x]^4, y, x];
sol17 = Function[x, (-a b Sech[Sqrt[a]/2 x]^2)/
(b^2 - a c (1 + \[Epsilon] Tanh[Sqrt[a]/2 x])^2)];
Simplify[genSol1[x] - sol17[x] /. \[Epsilon] -> 1 /. x -> 0];
parameterValues = Solve[% == 0, C[1]] /. C[2] -> 0
genSol1[x] == sol[x] /. \[Epsilon] -> 1 /.
parameterValues[[-1]] // Simplify