After creating a package in wolfram, i would like the call the package directly from the library without from host to executed in C. How to link ( wstp) that package in C libraries How to frane the question and give the solution
How can I directly link a Wolfram Mathematica package (.m or .wl) to a C program using Wolfram Symbolic Transfer Protocol (WSTP), such that the package can be loaded and executed within the C environment without explicitly requiring the host interface? What are the steps to integrate the package into a C library and use it seamlessly?
Solution 1. Package Preparation Ensure the Mathematica package is well-structured and contains the functions you want to call. For example:
(* File: arithmetic.wl *) BeginPackage["Arithmetic"] Add::usage = "Add[x, y] adds two numbers." Subtract::usage = "Subtract[x, y] subtracts the second number from the first." Begin["
Private`"] Add[x, y] := x + y Subtract[x, y] := x - y End[] EndPackage[] Save this file as arithmetic.wl or arithmetic.m.
- Write the Wolfram Script for WSTP Create a Wolfram script (.wls) to expose the package's functions over WSTP.
(* File: ArithmeticServer.wls *) Needs["Arithmetic`"]
Add[x, y] := ArithmeticAdd[x, y]; Subtract[x_, y_] := Arithmetic
Subtract[x, y];
While[LinkReadyQ["ArithmeticLink"], LinkRead["ArithmeticLink"]; (* Process requests here *) ]
LinkClose["ArithmeticLink"]; Run this script on the Mathematica kernel to expose the functions through WSTP.
- Generate the WSTP Template Use the mprep tool to generate a C header file for the interface.
Create a .tm file:
:Begin: :Function: Add :Pattern: Add[xInteger, yInteger] :Arguments: { x, y } :ArgumentTypes: { Integer, Integer } :ReturnType: Integer :End:
:Begin: :Function: Subtract :Pattern: Subtract[xInteger, yInteger] :Arguments: { x, y } :ArgumentTypes: { Integer, Integer } :ReturnType: Integer :End: Run mprep:
mprep -o Arithmetic.c 4. Write the C Program Link your Mathematica package with the generated C code using the WSTP functions.
include <wstp.h>
include <stdio.h>
int main() { WSLINK link; int errorCode;
// Initialize WSTP
if (!WSInitialize(NULL)) {
printf("Failed to initialize WSTP\n");
return 1;
// Open the link
link = WSOpenString(NULL, "-linkname 'ArithmeticLink'", &errorCode);
if (link == NULL || errorCode != WSEOK) {
printf("Failed to open WSTP link: %d\n", errorCode);
return 1;
// Example: Call the Add function
WSPutFunction(link, "Add", 2);
WSPutInteger(link, 5);
WSPutInteger(link, 3);
WSTestHead(link, "Integer", &errorCode);
int result;
WSGetInteger(link, &result);
printf("Result of Add: %d\n", result);
// Close the link
return 0;
} 5. Compile and Run the Program Compile using gcc (or an appropriate compiler):
gcc -o ArithmeticClient Arithmetic.c -lWSTP Run the Wolfram script (ArithmeticServer.wls) to initialize the WSTP link.
Run the compiled C program:
Iam getting WSTP linking problem .Could anyone guide me , how to link wstp with C code