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Plot 3D vectors

Posted 11 years ago

Ok, in what form does the data have to be in order to VectorPlot3D to work?



























POSTED BY: Mitja Jan?i?
6 Replies
Posted 11 years ago

Based on your other post, I think you have figured this out by now:

Graphics3D[Arrow[{{1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1} + {0, 0, 1}}], Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}]

POSTED BY: Gary Palmer

Hmm, one more:

And how do I plot a vector starting at any point in space? For example I want to plot (0,0,1) beginning in (1,1,1)?

POSTED BY: Mitja Jan?i?

This works!

Thank you!

POSTED BY: Mitja Jan?i?
Posted 11 years ago
POSTED BY: Sandu Ursu


In[81]:= Seznam = {{0., 0., 
   1.0842*10^-19}, {-4.15344*10^-6, -0.0598439, 
   4.15344*10^-6}, {7.06497*10^-6, -0.056678, -3.53248*10^-6}, \
{0.0000100411, -0.0535815, -3.34705*10^-6}, {0., 0., 
   1.00138}, {-0.000295116, -0.0596713, 
   0.0599641}, {-0.000274634, -0.056543, 
   0.0284052}, {-0.000262021, -0.0534399, 0.0178959} {0., 0., 
    4.33603}, {-0.000498219, -0.0592436, 
   0.119054}, {-0.00064887, -0.0561541, 
   0.0564034}, {-0.00046382, -0.0531007, 0.0355442}, {0., 0., 
   7.35876}, {-0.000860416, -0.0585243, 
   0.17641}, {-0.000759617, -0.0554916, 
   0.0836016}, {-0.000601151, -0.0524921, 0.0527268}, {0., 
   0., -0.00187966}, {-0.0000150762, -0.0595073, 
   0.0000301524}, {8.63465*10^-6, -0.0570098, -8.63465*10^-6}, \
{0.0000123463, -0.0538355, -8.23087*10^-6}, {0., 0., 
   2.22627}, {-0.000618795, -0.0592791, 
   0.0604452}, {-0.000580936, -0.0568693, 
   0.0289868}, {-0.000477846, -0.0537112, 0.0182206}, {0., 0., 
   21.6847}, {-0.00118365, -0.0591771, 
   0.120028}, {-0.00106075, -0.0564534, 
   0.0575103}, {-0.000862355, -0.053324, 0.0361803}, {0., 0., 
   75.5265}, {-0.00167344, -0.0582184, 
   0.17691}, {-0.00145876, -0.0557719, 
   0.0851766}, {-0.00143061, -0.0527277, 0.0536331}, {0., 
   0., -0.0190265}, {-4.42423*10^-6, -0.0608787, 
   0.0000132727}, {-8.68397*10^-6, -0.0575639, 
   0.000013026}, {0.0000108628, -0.0542777, -0.0000108628}, {0., 0., 
   2.64532}, {-0.000937859, -0.0607466, 
   0.0633689}, {-0.000869986, -0.0574211, 
   0.0300062}, {-0.000621396, -0.0541218, 0.0188131}, {0., 0., 
   52.9585}, {-0.00180009, -0.0600776, 
   0.125589}, {-0.001706, -0.0569819, 
   0.0594085}, {-0.0015614, -0.0537438, 0.0373096}, {0., 0., 
   21857.6}, {-0.00261906, -0.0593075, 
   0.185773}, {-0.00246194, -0.0562546, 
   0.0879375}, {-0.00198005, -0.0530994, 0.0553365}}

Out[81]= {{0., 0., 1.0842*10^-19}, {-4.15344*10^-6, -0.0598439, 
  4.15344*10^-6}, {7.06497*10^-6, -0.056678, -3.53248*10^-6}, \
{0.0000100411, -0.0535815, -3.34705*10^-6}, {0., 0., 
  1.00138}, {-0.000295116, -0.0596713, 
  0.0599641}, {-0.000274634, -0.056543, 0.0284052}, {0., 0., 
  0.0775972}, {-0.000498219, -0.0592436, 
  0.119054}, {-0.00064887, -0.0561541, 
  0.0564034}, {-0.00046382, -0.0531007, 0.0355442}, {0., 0., 
  7.35876}, {-0.000860416, -0.0585243, 
  0.17641}, {-0.000759617, -0.0554916, 
  0.0836016}, {-0.000601151, -0.0524921, 0.0527268}, {0., 
  0., -0.00187966}, {-0.0000150762, -0.0595073, 
  0.0000301524}, {8.63465*10^-6, -0.0570098, -8.63465*10^-6}, \
{0.0000123463, -0.0538355, -8.23087*10^-6}, {0., 0., 
  2.22627}, {-0.000618795, -0.0592791, 
  0.0604452}, {-0.000580936, -0.0568693, 
  0.0289868}, {-0.000477846, -0.0537112, 0.0182206}, {0., 0., 
  21.6847}, {-0.00118365, -0.0591771, 
  0.120028}, {-0.00106075, -0.0564534, 
  0.0575103}, {-0.000862355, -0.053324, 0.0361803}, {0., 0., 
  75.5265}, {-0.00167344, -0.0582184, 
  0.17691}, {-0.00145876, -0.0557719, 
  0.0851766}, {-0.00143061, -0.0527277, 0.0536331}, {0., 
  0., -0.0190265}, {-4.42423*10^-6, -0.0608787, 
  0.0000132727}, {-8.68397*10^-6, -0.0575639, 
  0.000013026}, {0.0000108628, -0.0542777, -0.0000108628}, {0., 0., 
  2.64532}, {-0.000937859, -0.0607466, 
  0.0633689}, {-0.000869986, -0.0574211, 
  0.0300062}, {-0.000621396, -0.0541218, 0.0188131}, {0., 0., 
  52.9585}, {-0.00180009, -0.0600776, 
  0.125589}, {-0.001706, -0.0569819, 
  0.0594085}, {-0.0015614, -0.0537438, 0.0373096}, {0., 0., 
  21857.6}, {-0.00261906, -0.0593075, 
  0.185773}, {-0.00246194, -0.0562546, 
  0.0879375}, {-0.00198005, -0.0530994, 0.0553365}}

And than this happens

ListVectorPlot3D[{Seznam[[All, 1]], Seznam[[All, 2]], 
  Seznam[[All, 3]]}]

Visualization`Core`ListVectorPlot3D::vfldata: {{0.,-4.15344*10^-6,7.06497*10^-6,0.0000100411,0.,-0.000295116,-0.000274634,0.,-0.000498219,-0.00064887,-0.00046382,0.,-0.000860416,-0.000759617,-0.000601151,0.,-0.0000150762,8.63465*10^-6,0.0000123463,0.,-0.000618795,-0.000580936,-0.000477846,0.,-0.00118365,-0.00106075,-0.000862355,0.,-0.00167344,-0.00145876,-0.00143061,0.,-4.42423*10^-6,-8.68397*10^-6,0.0000108628,0.,-0.000937859,-0.000869986,-0.000621396,0.,-0.00180009,-0.001706,-0.0015614,0.,-0.00261906,-0.00246194,-0.00198005},{<<1>>},{1.0842*10^-19,4.15344*10^-6,-3.53248*10^-6,-3.34705*10^-6,1.00138,0.0599641,0.0284052,0.0775972,0.119054,0.0564034,0.0355442,<<25>>,0.0633689,0.0300062,0.0188131,52.9585,0.125589,0.0594085,0.0373096,21857.6,0.185773,0.0879375,0.0553365}} is not a valid vector field dataset or a valid list of datasets.
POSTED BY: Mitja Jan?i?
Posted 11 years ago
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