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Using LineIntegrate[] along with ImplicitRegion[] to calculate a line integral

Posted 25 days ago


I am having problems using the function LineIntegrate[] along with ImplicitRegion[] to calculate a line integral - see attached notebook. I am absolutely convinced it is something that I am doing incorrectly, but after reading the documentation and trying several different configurations, I still cannot figure it out.

I can obtain the correct answer by simplifying the path into a line *which should work since the function is conserved and therefore the solution is path independent); however, I would still like to use the formula and points to specify the region.

Mitch Sandlin

POSTED BY: Mitchell Sandlin

Correct syntax should be:

 LineIntegrate[{2 x y, x^2 + y^2}, {x, y} \[Element] 
   ImplicitRegion[{x^2/25 + y^2/16 == 1, 0 <= x <= 5, 0 <= y <= 4}, {x,

but I have to disappoint you ImplicitRegion dosen't work with LineIntegrate yet. Maybe in future version of MMA can be implemented.

Maybe this helps.

Regards M.I.

POSTED BY: Mariusz Iwaniuk
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